Serve Your Community With Effective Signage
With many visitors, frequent change and a wide variety of needs, government facilities can be perceived as less than welcoming. At INNERFACE, we work to improve how your campus serves the needs of your community.

Make A Statement
From large exterior signage installations letting folks know they have found your campus to area identification signs, we plan each wayfinding and identification element with a focus on the first time and infrequent visitor experience. Our programs focus on delivering messages that are concise, consistently presented and understood by your visitors. Our modular solutions guarantee that your wayfinding and identification program can change as often as needed without putting a dent in your budget.
Amplifi Digital Signage
Tell your story while informing your visitors. Our Amplifi Digital Signage solutions enable you to communicate a variety of messages on a single platform. From directory and wayfinding information to activities and announcements, there is no limit to the variety of information you can share or how often it changes.

IMPACT! Graphics
Extend your brand impact with IMPACT! graphics. Communication-related to wayfinding, identification and brand does not end with traditional signage. Introducing IMPACT! large format graphics can greatly enhance the effectiveness of wayfinding program, clearly identify destinations and decision points and support your core brand message. Whether based on religious inspired messages or simple themed images, IMPACT! graphics are great tools to create a positive impression and vibrant space.